laboratorium rękodzieł / HANDMADE HEAVEN

Hello our dear customers and friends

LAS RĄK was to celebrate its 10th anniversary this November. January and February were commercially hard for us, but looking forward to the spring we managed to survive. Unforunately, the Coronavirus epidemic and its effects took us all by surprise in March.

At the beginning it was „only” very hard, but now we have to face reality. We will not manage to wait it out without you. We are not able to cover fixed costs, enormous rent at Chmielna /almost 15000 zl/, without any income. And we do not have any income – the shop is closed. It does not earn any money, it does not support employees or artists.

We know that we are not the only ones who have problems. We know that we ask a lot and that you may have much more urgent needs. All people of ”art ” / in the broad sense of the word/ area have problems today, but it is doctors, nurses, paramedics and hospitals that are in real trouble. We know it and that is why asking you to chip in was a real psychological challenge for us. Health Service are those who fight today for our everyday life despite terrible shortages and inefficiency of the system. We know it and we are trying to support them individually as much as we can.

We do not want to descibe now our workshops, aid campaigns, trainings for disabled people, our almost ten-year-old history. We have been trying to exist and work for your sake and to give you our best straight from our hearts.

We pay a great price for each of the sentences we are writing here. But we have no choice. LAS has no choice. Yes, the amount is huge, but we believe even small contributions – if many – may save us. May save LAS. Please suport us and we promise to repay hundredfold for your kindness. We believe it will happen soon.

We will come back with handcraft, workshops, multicolour commotion with which we have been trying to bring you some joy from the hands of our artists. We do count on it.

Help LAS, please. Thank you.

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